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Researching Social Inclusion. Discourses And Debates Across Disciplines

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Nasza cena: 35,00 zł
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Autor: Anna Odrowąż-Coates, Taiwo Afolabi (eds.) | Wydawca: Wydawnictwo APS

Dostępność: Wysoka

Stawka VAT: 5% | Cena netto: 33,33 zł | Kod kreskowy: 9788367721257
Rok wydania: 2023 | Strony: 134 |

This book is the outcome of the XVI UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School 2023, organized with the Institute of the Political Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences under the patronage of the Polish Commission for UNESCO in cooperation with CREAN (Children’s Rights European Academic Network) and the Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre at University of Regina, Canada. KEYWORDS: anti-discrimination, hate speech, global citizenship education (GCE), Inclusive language, inclusion, wellbeing